Thursday, April 2, 2009


1st, download your favourite photo using effects at

1. Do you think you are HOT?
of coz la like hotfm gitu

2. Why do you like this picture?
this is my picture with my son asyraaf haziq 10 day after delivered him(betoi ke grammar aku nih)

3. When was the last time you ate pizza?
last month kot coz i really dont like pizza

4. The last song you listen to?
yuna-dan sebenarnya(my favourite actually)

5. What are you doing right now besides this?
watching keliwon

6. What name u prefer besides yours?
teng la kot bacause now my name is Ku only..(ku rozilawatie)oinkssss

7. People to tag
1) kak nonnie
2)kak zue

8. Who is no.1?
kak nonnie-mmber yg bila aku lawat blog dia mesti timbul keinsafan dlm hati

9. No.3 is having relationship with?
laki dia n anak dia iman ler...

10. Say something about no.5?
xder la...

11. How about no.4?
ain-kawan tmpat keje aku yg suka berfriendster tp kureng nk menghapdet blog.kuat oncall nie

12. Who is no.2?
kak zue yg suka bangat dgn siti nurhaliza,sggp kuarkan duit nk join secretary week with siti.

13. Others
xder la

14. Sila jwb TAG ni yer kengkwn!!


xCLuSiVeLy XpReSsiNg by Hayatie said...

ku tak paham sungguh soklan TAG ini!

mamaHs said...

mu xpham soklan ke jawapan aku yg mereng sket ni

nonnie78 said...


ada tag ek? nanti akak buat ye....